Characterization of Eelgrass Sites in Placentia Bay (2018-2020)

Data is being collected on target components and features of the local Placentia Bay coastal ecosystem over a four-year study to develop a baseline dataset on eelgrass habitat within Placentia Bay, NL. As part of the study, the presence of other forms of marine vegetation and structure-providing species are documented. Water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature are recorded bi-annually. Marine sediment characterization and pole seines are conducted annually at each site to provide baseline data on the diversity of fish species present. Observations of any aquatic invasive species are documented and reported.

MARINE VEGETATION : Eelgrass presence, distribution, and abundance were documented at ten sites in 2018-19. An additional five sites were surveyed in 2019-20. Two eelgrass transects are surveyed at each location semi-annually to document seasonal growth changes in abundance. During each survey, other marine vegetation, soft corals and sponges, are also identified. Any marine vegetation which may be beach-cast along the shoreline is documented and photographed.

WATER QUALITY : Dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, conductivity, and temperature are recorded at the start and endpoint of each eelgrass transect. 72-hour rainfall and wave conditions for the site are also recorded.

MARINE SEDIMENT : During the eelgrass surveys, the composition of the marine sediment is documented at 5m intervals.

INVENTORY OF VARIOUS SPECIES : Pole seines are conducted annually at each site to provide baseline data on nearshore fish and invertebrate community assemblages. Aquatic Invasive Species are recorded and reported if encountered throughout the water or shoreline surveys.

This project is part of the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program Initiative under the Oceans Protection Plan of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Access and Use

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Data and Resources



Dataset extent

Metadata Reference Date(s) January 10, 2022 (Publication)
November 27, 2023 (Revision)
Data Reference Date(s) August 04, 2018 (Creation)
November 15, 2021 (Publication)
November 15, 2021 (Revision)
Frequency of Update As Needed

Responsible Party 1
ACAP Humber Arm
  • Custodian
  • Distributor
  • Owner

Field Value
Ocean Variables
  • Oxygen
  • Sea State
  • Sea Surface Salinity
  • Sea Surface Temperature
  • Fish abundance and distribution
  • Invertebrate abundance and distribution
Scope Dataset
Status On Going
Maintenance Note Generated from
Spatial Extent [[[-55.36848774400448, 46.92729634247795], [-53.785622583448855, 46.92729634247795], [-53.785622583448855, 47.912179576700325], [-55.36848774400448, 47.912179576700325], [-55.36848774400448, 46.92729634247795]]]
North Bounding Latitude 47.912179576700325
South Bounding Latitude 46.92729634247795
East Bounding Longitude -53.785622583448855
West Bounding Longitude -55.36848774400448
Temporal Extent
Vertical Extent
Default Locale English
Included in Data Catalogue
Included in Data Catalogue 1