Atlantic Coastal Action Program
ACAP Saint John was founded as part of the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP), a unique community-based program initiated by Environment Canada in 1991 to help Atlantic Canadians restore and sustain local watersheds and adjacent coastal areas. ACAP Saint John has conducted successful in-school environmental education programs, summer camps, ecological inventories, water quality monitoring programs, habitat restorations, watercourse restorations, wetland enhancements, contaminated site remediation and engaged thousands of area residents in community cleanup initiatives. We continue to expand our role as the preeminent source of environmental knowledge and research in Greater Saint John. ACAP Saint John has an excellent reputation in the community for acting as a third-party mediator on contentious environmental issues, and continues to expand their role as a public source of knowledge and information dissemination. Through their management of the Saint John Harbour Environmental Monitoring Partnership, ACAP is working with industry and government to initiate cumulative effects monitoring -- the first for any harbour in Canada.
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