Fisheries and Oceans Canada established a program to monitor aquatic invasive species (AIS) on the eastern Atlantic coast from 2006 to 2019 (activities into the five Atlantic provinces). The data in this database are those of the Quebec region, whose territory is divided into three maritime sectors: Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Gaspésie and Côte-Nord of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The objectives of this program are to detect new AIS as soon as possible, to monitor their spread, and minimize the risk of their introduction and dispersal through raising awareness of the issue and rapid response. The AIS monitoring program covers nine species, including 7 tunicates, one bryozoan and one crustacean. For more information, please see the data context.
Parameters: presence / absence, percentage of coverage (settlement collectors), water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen.
View data in the BIODIVERSITY application.