Underground Drinking Water Intakes
File in CSV format containing the location of the various underground drinking water intakes in the Yamaska watershed area
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Description translated | {'fr': "Fichier en format CSV contenant l'emplacement des différentes prises d'eau potable souterraine dans le secteur du bassin versant de la Yamaska", 'en': 'File in CSV format containing the location of the various underground drinking water intakes in the Yamaska watershed area'} |
Id | dafcd6a8-92f8-4e0c-8afc-c4e00af163f8 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Name translated | {'fr': "Prises d'eau potable souterraine", 'en': 'Underground Drinking Water Intakes'} |
On same domain | True |
Package id | 9f85687d-2c91-43d6-9c43-6506de3004c7 |
Resource locator protocol | WWW:LINK |
State | active |