Additional Information

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Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Description translated{'fr': 'General information on data collection in English', 'en': 'General information on data collection in English', 'tr': '{\'en\': {\'message\': "text translated using the Amazon translate service / texte traduit à l\'aide du service de traduction Amazon", \'verified\': False}}'}
Name translated{'fr': 'Metadata', 'en': 'Metadata', 'tr': '{\'en\': {\'message\': "text translated using the Amazon translate service / texte traduit à l\'aide du service de traduction Amazon", \'verified\': False}}'}
On same domainTrue
Package idbef65303-989a-4f8a-8e6d-234af877d949
Resource locator protocolWWW:LINK