Biological Integrity Index and Anomalies
Csv file containing information on the biological integrity index and the anomalies that have been observed in certain fish.
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Description translated | {'fr': "Fichier csv contenant de l'information sur l'indice d'intégrité biologique et les anomalies qui ont été observées chez certains poissons.", 'en': 'Csv file containing information on the biological integrity index and the anomalies that have been observed in certain fish.'} |
Id | 542cad87-87da-4057-8e52-f7baa9abafa4 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Name translated | {'fr': 'Indice d’intégrité biologique et anomalies', 'en': 'Biological Integrity Index and Anomalies'} |
On same domain | True |
Package id | 56a903ff-18c4-4da1-a0ab-c26589411517 |
Resource locator protocol | WWW:LINK |
State | active |